Turn a drab white shirt into a creamy vanilla dessert! :) This shirt was white, and it had some stains on it that wouldn't come out - even after repeated attempts.
Instead of giving up on a light-colored clothing item that has a persistent stain, why not go ahead and try tea-dying it? The chemical impact on the Earth is negative (put those used tea bags in the compost pile) and the results are great! :)
I brewed some strong tea - just the discount kind and in tea bag form - and got out my big turkey roasting pan and poured in the hot, strong tea and some more hot water. I took out the tea bags, but some people leave theirs in.
Then I just put the shirt in and squished it down into the tea mixture (watch out! - it's hot!)
In fact, I put a couple of items in there together. So you might want to look around for any other clothing items this might benefit.
A few times, when I'd walk by the pan, I'd move the clothes around and squish them down again just for good measure. :)
It's up to you! Have fun! And let me know how it goes for you! :) Take care.
Save the Planet While You Shop! :)